Best of the Best — Bike Magazine Australia

Federico Bahamontes 1953-1965 CLIMBING: The Eagle of Toledo was perhaps the finest pure climber of his era and, true to his nickname, was built like a bird. Unable to mash big gears, he optimised his power-to-weight ratioby alternating sitting and standing to maintain his cadence.

Great Bowls of Fibre! — Bike Magazine Australia

To get more benefits from your flakes, oats or clusters, look for the right ingredients. The rest is up to your taste buds. Cereal is as versatile as it is popular – it’s a healthy breakfast, an on-the-go snack, even a great refueller. Choose cereals that are packed with carbohydrate, wholegrains, vitamins and minerals, and … Read more

Great Bowls of Fibre! — Bike Magazine Australia

To get more benefits from your flakes, oats or clusters, look for the right ingredients. The rest is up to your taste buds. Cereal is as versatile as it is popular – it’s a healthy breakfast, an on-the-go snack, even a great refueller. Choose cereals that are packed with carbohydrate, wholegrains, vitamins and minerals, and … Read more

The White Stuff — Bike Magazine Australia

Does milk – and its product spin-offs – really do you good? Absolutely, if you know what and how much to consume.  With so many mixed messages swirling around dairy, including some trendy diets that advise athletes to steer clear of it, we’re left to wonder which is the better choice: ordering that cheeseburger minus the … Read more

The White Stuff — Bike Magazine Australia

Does milk – and its product spin-offs – really do you good? Absolutely, if you know what and how much to consume.  With so many mixed messages swirling around dairy, including some trendy diets that advise athletes to steer clear of it, we’re left to wonder which is the better choice: ordering that cheeseburger minus the … Read more

Diets Demystified — Bike Magazine Australia

Eating to ride shouldn’t be complicated. Here’s the lowdown on the latest nutrition trends – and how they can help you fuel up and feel good on the bike.  If you’ve been kicking around the idea of radically changing the way you eat but are wondering how it will affect your energy when you ride, … Read more

The Big Squeeze — Bike Magazine Australia

Making your own juice is part-art, part-science – and yields great results as long as you get the formula right. There’s a new section in many grocery stores that didn’t exist a decade ago. In it you’ll find a colourful array of cold-pressed, organic concoctions that promise health and wellness in a bottle. Sure, they’re an … Read more

The Big Squeeze — Bike Magazine Australia

Making your own juice is part-art, part-science – and yields great results as long as you get the formula right. There’s a new section in many grocery stores that didn’t exist a decade ago. In it you’ll find a colourful array of cold-pressed, organic concoctions that promise health and wellness in a bottle. Sure, they’re an … Read more