These two cyclists have racked up an astonishing 8,500 Strava KOMs and QOMs – Bike Magazine Australia

One of Strava’s best features is the ability to see how fast you are on its many user-created segments. When the wind is right or the route is unique – or you’re just that fast – you can earn the glory of becoming the fastest person on that stretch of road or dirt, the so-called Queen or King of the Mountain.

Many riders have only a handful of KOMs (if that). Speedier types may have a couple dozen, maybe a few hundred. But for an elite few, that tally climbs into the thousands

Two riders in particular, Keith DeFiebre and Becky Brain, have mastered the art of the KOM. As Strava’s globally top-ranked amateur users, Keith has more than 5,100 KOMs, and Becky has nearly 3,400, according to the Strava Toolbox site.

Let that sink in a bit. While most of us are huffing and puffing to finally snag the local sprint, these riders are raking in KOMs and QOMs every. single. ride. And Strava confirmed – no, they’re not cheating, either.

“I like to ride my bike. And I like to ride fast,” DeFiebre says. (Although it doesn’t hurt that he likes to create his own segments from time to time, too.)

We chatted with both California natives to learn the secrets to their KOM success.

When did you first start riding bikes?

Brain: I got my first two-wheeler when I was 7 in 1968.

DeFiebre: 1988. I played football in high school and college, and my friend, Dean Meyer, was a top professional road and mountain biker. He got me into riding. Coming from football, I needed a sport where I could wear a helmet, that was pivotal for me. It worked out perfect.

What’s your preferred type of riding?

B: I do both mountain and road. (I started racing road bikes in ‘94, and mountain in 97.)

D: I like to do a mixture of almost everything I can find with biking. I started out doing centuries and touring and double centuries. I won my first downhill race I ever did in 1989 and went straight to the pro division. I like cyclocross, road, BMX, and mountain bike cross-country.

How did you get your first KOM/QOM?

B: It was in 2013, on my first ride on Strava. I was on a climby local loop in a nearby park called Briones. I just love to climb. Before Strava I was a map geek. I would look at maps and count the trail heads and count the distance between, feverishly trying to do the math (“God, how far was that?”). My boyfriend introduced me to Strava and the heavens opened. He was like, “Ah geez, we’ve created a monster.”

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